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Children and Families

Children are at the heart of everything that we do, they are our motivation and the reason we do what we do. Enabling our children to be learners and achieve their best is our educational goal but we also recognise that our role as educators is far greater than that as we strive to develop the whole child. Fostering effective working relationships with parents and supporting individual families is embedded within our practice and within the culture and ethos of each school and our holistic approach ensures we support, encourage and enable every child to be happy, secure with strong emotional well-being.

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Local Governing Body

Local Governing Bodies

Our local governing bodies provide strong and effective governance at school level. They oversee, monitor and evaluate the quality of education at an individual school level. Every governor is passionate their role and are united in living the mission and enabling their school to continually grow and develop.


Trust Team

Our Trust Team includes our Head of Trust, Executive Headteacher, Headteachers/Heads of School and our Trust Finance Director. Our Trust Team is a strong partnership and we all are passionate about the work we do now and in future development of our Trust.




Trust Board

Our Trust Board provides strong, effective and visionary leadership for our Trust. Each trustee brings a strong skill set and is committed in the time they give, above and beyond Trust Board Meetings, to enabling our schools and Trust to flourish and grow.


Leadership Team

We know that strong schools are led by strong leaders and we actively support and grow our leaders to be the best they can be.


Our staff are our most valuable resource in living our mission and values and in achieving our vision. Our staff want to be part of our school and Trust communities and live our mission and values in everything that they do. At Inspiring Learners we value, support and professionally challenge our staff enabling them to continually grow and develop so to best meet the needs of the children in our care.

Children & Families

Children are at the heart of everything that we do, they are our motivation and the reason we do what we do. Enabling our children to be learners and achieve their best is our educational goal but we also recognise that our role as educators is far greater than that as we strive to develop the whole child. Fostering effective working relationships with parents and supporting individual families is embedded within our practice and within the culture and ethos of each school and our holistic approach ensures we support, encourage and enable every child to be happy, secure with strong emotional well-being.


Members play a limited but crucial role in Trust governance. They assure themselves that the governance is effective and ensure that its activities are properly directed to achieving the Trust objectives and are responsible for its constitution and for appointing the Board of Trustees.

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I have worked in primary education my whole career, over twenty years of those as headteacher. Since 2008, I have worked at Tyntesfield Primary School, initially as Headteacher and then as Executive Headteacher.

Since Tyntesfield converted to Academy status in 2017, and Inspiring Learners was established, I have been Head of the Trust.

In 2015, Tyntesfield was designated a Teaching School and one of three lead schools in Trafford Teaching School Alliance (TTSA). During that time, I worked closely with many Trafford Primary Headteachers to develop a CPD Programme, Research and Development opportunities and school to school support for Trafford primary schools.  Although no longer leading a Teaching School, I continue to work closely with Trafford primary and secondary schools and Trafford LA to facilitate development in practice to support more effective KS2/3 transition.

I am also a National Leader in Education (NLE) and, for a number of years, have had the privilege of working alongside school leaders in several schools, providing leadership development and coaching. In 2017, I was asked to take up the role of Interim Headteacher at Bollin Primary School and, after fifteen months supporting the school, was delighted that Bollin Primary School joined our Trust. As a lead facilitator on the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH), I enjoy working alongside new and aspiring headteachers, a role I find incredibly rewarding.

Inspiring Learners Trust came about from our passion and commitment to provide the best opportunities for children, and staff, to grow and flourish as learners.

Learning is at the heart of our Trust and we fervently believe that every child deserves the very best opportunities to achieve their potential. Although no longer in the classroom, I am as passionate as ever about teaching, learning and innovative curriculum development and thoroughly enjoy my role as Head of Trust and Executive Headteacher, leading the Trust towards achieving our vision.

Favourite Motivation Quote:

Cheek, Skin, Smile, Chin, Eyebrow, Shoulder, Sleeve, Shelf, Iris, Wings
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Kylie’s passion, vision and energy inspires us all!! She leads our Trust with a relentless drive and determination. She always sees the big picture whilst sweating the small detail too.

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Lifelong Learner


Head of Trust/CEO

Forehead, Face, Hair, Smile, Eyebrow, Shoulder, Neck, Sleeve, Gesture, Makeover
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Children are truly at the heart of everything Kathryn does and it shows. Her energy, commitment and sense of humour are infectious and her relentless drive for the highest standards are evident in all aspects of school life.

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Fun Factor


I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher at Tyntesfield Primary School as it is a happy, welcoming school which sits within a thriving community of committed staff, supportive parents and wonderful children.

I have worked in Primary Education for seventeen years, thirteen of those years at Tyntesfield, initially as Deputy Headteacher, then as Head of School and now Headteacher.

Whilst working in these roles, I have been a lead facilitator on the Outstanding Teacher Programme (OTP) qualification, the National Professional Qualification for Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC), the National Professinal Qualification for Senior Leaders (NPQSL) and TTSA RQT programme. I thoroughly enjoy working with like-minded colleagues who have a passion for teaching and learning and for achieving the very best for all children and I have found this role incredibly rewarding.

I love to learn; I love the feeling you get when you learn something new, I love leading learning and I love working with our Trustees, Governors, staff and parents to enable our children to be the best they can be.

Learning is at the heart of Inspiring Learners Trust and working within a Trust, whose values are centred around a passion and commitment to provide the best learning opportunities for children and staff, is both empowering and inspiring.

Favourite Motivation Quote:

Headteacher, Tyntesfield Primary School

I am always incredibly proud when anybody asks me what I do - I am the Head of School at Bollin Primary School. I absolutely love working with a very special team of staff, amazing children and supportive parents. No two days are the same and we are all making magical memories along the way!

At Bollin Primary School, we all believe in each and every child, and work tirelessly to ensure that they reach their potential and that they thoroughly enjoy their learning journey throughout their time at our school. We create opportunities to foster children's skills and interests, as well as preparing them for 21st Century life and learning.

Being part of the Inspiring Learners Trust brings school communities together and there are enormous benefits for all. Children are able to create links and connections with children from another school, professionals can learn from one another and ideas can be shared. The best part of working within the Inspiring Learners Trust is that the best interests of the children are at the heart of every decision and they always will be.

Favourite Motivation Quote:

Street fashion, Smile, Shoulder, Neck, Sleeve, Standing, Gesture, Style, Collar, Happy



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Tanya is always smiling! Her positivity shines as does her absolute passion for Bollin School; she truly lives and breathes the mission “Growing Hearts and Minds Together”.

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Head of School, Bollin Primary School

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Profile coming soon...

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Liam Gash Profile coming soon...


Dress shirt, Cheek, Smile, Jaw, Sleeve, Gesture, Collar
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What would we do without Chris?! Chris brings enthusiasm and energy and to everything he does. He also brings a wealth of leadership and media experience to his role and he is a huge asset to our board and an increasingly familiar face in our schools.

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Cool Head


I’m Chris and I am honoured and delighted to be Chair of the Trust Board at Inspiring Learners. I have a number of years of governance experience and was previously Vice-Chair of Governors of Sale Grammar School.

I’m passionate about education and believe in giving back and supporting my community and the next generation. I really believe it is important that we treat all the children in our schools as individuals and help them reach their potential, both academically and as happy rounded people.

Professionally, I run the Central News Service for BBC England. I am used to leading teams, overseeing projects, dealing with high pressure environments and holding people/organisations to account. I spent a long time as a Senior Journalist and Senior Producer in National news and previous to that I was the News Editor for BBC Manchester.

I am immensely proud of the schools in the Trust. We have exceptional highly skilled staff, who really care about the children and strive to get the best out of them and each other. I love to see how happy the children in our schools are whenever I go in.

I also live in Trafford and have 3 children. Please do say hello if you see me in school.

Trustee -
Chair of Trust Board

Favourite Motivation Quote:

I’m Karen and I’m Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of Inspiring Learners Multi Academy Trust. I have been involved with Tyntesfield Primary School for a number of years and in the past I was a member of the Governing Body.

The philosophy that children and learning are the driving force behind everything that we do in the Trust is something that means I feel extremely proud to be a part of it.

In my professional life I am a Human Resources Consultant. My work experience includes managing HR change projects, working with businesses to create and implement people strategies, communication planning, coaching, facilitation of training and development, performance management, engagement and reward.  

What this really means is that I use my skill set to help businesses of various sizes, to achieve their aims, through more effectively managing relationships with, and developing and supporting, their people. I believe this translates well to school communities where strong collaborative relationships, great communication and engaged people, including pupils, parents, staff, governors, trustees and anyone else instrumental in the life of the school, make for a shared understanding and lay the foundations for success.  

I’m passionate about working hard to ensure the success of the schools in our Trust and to give all the pupils, now and in the future, the best opportunity to thrive and I feel privileged to be able to work with this Trust Board, all of whom share this passion.

Smile, Cheek, Chin, Eye, Sleeve, Eyelash
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Karen brings a wealth of HR experience to our board and is utterly committed to our mission and vision. Karen’s voice ensures we continually appreciate the value and importance of our staff on achieving our vision and that staff well-being is as important as their professional skill.

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Vice Chair of Trust Board

Favourite Motivation Quote:

I’m Jamie, and I am a Trustee and a Member of Inspiring Learners  Multi-Academy Trust. For over four years I was Chair of the Trust Board I led the process to establish the Trust in early 2018, and prior to that I was Chair of Tyntesfield Primary School's Governing Body. I was also  Chair of the Curriculum and Standards Committee, and have been a  governor since 2011. I currently also Chair the Trafford Together School Alliance Board - a collaboration of over 50  schools in Trafford working together to offer high quality professional  development for schools in Trafford.

I am immensely proud to have been part of our Trust Board over the past  few years, and I am tremendously excited about our future! The  relationship between the schools and with the Trust enables our schools to  collaborate at a deep level, and I can't wait to see how the leaders and staff continue to make the most of this opportunity. The positive  impact on teaching and learning is evident in both schools.

Day-to-day, I work with data, advising government departments, not-for-profit  organisations, and businesses on data strategy. I am also Director of Open Data Manchester, a community interest company I helped set up  to promote a more equitable society through fairer use of data. I gained an understanding of educational policy through working with schools to  analyse their performance data whilst working for Trafford local authority.

I have three children, all at one time attended Tyntesfield Primary School, although the eldest two have now left.

Vision care, Dress shirt, Forehead, Hair, Glasses, Shoulder, Beard, Jaw, Sleeve, Gesture



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Jamie’s calm, thoughtful, values-driven leadership and analytical style ensure our board remain focused on what really matters – the children. Jamie has been involved with Inspiring Learners from the very beginning and is utterly committed to what we are striving to achieve.

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I have always had a strong desire to make a difference and to work with people. As someone who enjoys learning – both in terms of being a learner myself and curating learning for others.  My main passion is around primary education, and in particular science and engineering education. I am passionate about how we can support teachers, children and their school communities to learn about the
world around them, the amazing innovations where science is applied to solve engineering challenges that matter to us.

 Having worked in two primary schools in North Manchester, I studied for a Masters and PhD after which I spent a good number of years at Sheffield Hallam University. I owe them a lot of gratitude for the skills and experiences I had there, that then led me to launching SEERIH (Science & Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub) at The University of Manchester in 2014. This has become a leading national centre, with a wider range of activity including the Great Science Share for Schools! I am also the Vice Dean for Social Responsibility in the Faculty of Science & Engineering which means I have the pleasure to work with many teams to continue making a difference in our communities.

 At home I am a mum to three amazing daughters, a wife, daughter, aunty, friend, etc. etc.! The list goes on. I have a very full and busy life. I enjoy playing the piano as well as travelling and eating great food. I am most proud of taking on role as Trustee of the Inspiring Learners Trust – where I know I have found a home in terms of values and ambition.

Favourite Motivation Quote:




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Lynne's passion for education shines through everything she does; children and learning are truly at the heart of her work. We are delighted that Lynne has joined our Trust Board, she lives and breathes our Trust values and her passion, knowledge and educational experience ensure we always remain focused on what really matters - ensuring the very best outcomes for the children in our schools.

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Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Smile, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Jaw, Neck, Sleeve
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Tabitha asks the best questions! Her rigour, attention to detail and analytical mind are complemented by her fantastic ability to think strategically, be forward thinking and see the big picture. Tabitha will often ask the question that makes us stop, think and truly reflect on ‘why’.

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Big Picture


I am Tabitha and I lead the financial element of the Board of Trustees of Inspiring Learners Multi-Academy Trust.  My work is to ensure the Trust, and also the schools within our Trust, have a robust financial position so that we deliver our aims and objectives. We set the financial plan, and regularly review financial performance against the plan.  We also ensure robust financial control, which means we spend our funding appropriately and get value for money.

In my day job I work as the Director of Finance for Rochdale Care Organisation (part of Northern Care Alliance) in the health service, managing the budget for hospital and community services in Rochdale. I have also worked in NHS England, as well as in the private sector in KPMG.

I have two children both of whom attended Tyntesfield school. I am passionate about developing our Trust and schools to ensure that our pupils are stretched to achieve their best, both academically and as individuals.


Favourite Motivation Quote:

I’m Yvonne and I'm extremely proud to be a trustee on the Trust Board at Inspiring Learners.

I am passionate about education and my mission is about getting the best for children in our schools so they can thrive. I have worked in
education as a teacher, leader, adviser and more recently as a consultant focusing on effective school leadership, school improvement, professional development and training.

My skills include performance coaching, creating and leading effective teams, strategic direction setting and working collaboratively with diverse groups of school leaders and organisations

I have two boys, aged 17 and 19 years old and live in Cheshire East.

I am excited and feel privileged to be working with a fabulous Head of Trust and team of Trustee’s.  I look forwards to playing an active part in the development and success of the Trust, working on behalf of all the staff, parent's and children who are central to the work of the Trust and its ambition to inspire and enable its community of learners and leaders to achieve the best outcomes.

Favourite Motivation Quote:

Smile, Chin, Eyebrow, Jaw, Iris



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Yvonne is passionate about education and brings her extensive experience to Inspiring Learners. She is able to think strategically whilst having her eye on the finer detail and is a huge asset to our board. Yvonne is committed to our mission and lives the Trust values in all that she does.

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Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Smile, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Jaw, Neck, Sleeve
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El Hawary

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Profile Coming Soon...

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Profile coming soon...




Sky, Black-and-white, Font, Slope

I was delighted to have been invited to work as a Member for ‘Inspiring Learners Multi-Academy Trust’.

I bring a long and broad experience in education, having spent forty years working in and with schools. I started my teaching career back in the mid-1970s with ten years as a secondary maths teacher. After a further ten years of primary teaching I became Headteacher of a junior school. I was appointed as a Primary School Adviser for Trafford and spent another decade working alongside Heads and teachers.

Throughout my career I developed a passion for the processes of learning and how teachers can best develop children’s ability to understand, reason, question, link, recall, build and use what they are learning.

Although retired for srveral years, I keep in touch with developments in education through my own reading, through my grandchildren and through having two daughters who are primary teachers.



Sky, Black-and-white, Font, Slope

1I qualified with PwC in 2000 and specialise in Public Sector Finance. For the last 16 years I have managed my own business providing consultancy support to public sector, charitable and private organisations, including educational establishments. My roles have included supporting staff at all levels up to and including the Board.

From 2009 – 2015, I was a governor at Tyntesfield Primary School and was the Chair of Finance Committee. My responsibilities, from a financial perspective were primarily to support the governing body; head and school in ensuring it had a sound financial strategy, provided value for money and had robust procurement and financial systems to enable the school to discharge its statutory responsibilities.



Sky, Black-and-white, Font, Slope

I am Teresa and I am delighted to be joining the Inspiring Learners Multi Academy Trust as a member. Over the last couple of decades I have served on a number of school governing bodies in Sale,  as both parent and community governor. I was offered the opportunity to act as Chair of an outstanding school, a role which I thoroughly enjoyed.  It was in this capacity that learnt about the operations and importance of effective school governance, which is critical to ensuring a conducive environment for enabling learners to be the best that they can be. 

My career within the field of human resources commenced over 32 years ago within the NHS. During this career journey I have developed my skills, knowledge and experience in managing programmes, quality improvement as well as organisational development (OD).

Currently I work as a head of service for talent, leadership and OD, supporting 2 large acute trusts in Greater Manchester.
I live in Sale with my husband and in my spare time I enjoy socialising and entertaining family and friends and travelling is my guilty pleasure.

I look forward to contributing to the Trust in my capacity a member.

